Privacy Policy

At Convertas, we take the privacy of our clients, candidates, and visitors seriously. When receiving your requests through our website, we may gather information about you. We are committed to maintaining customer privacy and to the maintenance of the security of all personal data that is received. Therefore, this policy guides you through which potentially private data we may gather and how you can get in touch should you have any concerns or questions.

Data received and processed

Convertas receives personal information such as your name, address, nationality, e-mail address and work. Convertas processes this personal data as necessary to provide our service offering and to aid the offering process.

Sensitive data received and processed

Convertas does not ask to receive any sensitive personal data.

Sharing and disclosure

Convertas does not share or rent any personal information received with third parties.

Data safeguards

The security of your data is extremely important to us. Access to your personal data is only given to our staff who help us to process data, in order to help with the provision of our services and in particular, the commercial process.

If you currently live in the European Union, you are protected by GDPR: