Archival and Record Management

Who Should Attend

This program provides delegates with a thorough insight into the responsibilities of archivists and records managers in today’s financial institutions, business organizations, government agencies and non-profit entities. The course will also provide an overview in the theoretical principles, methodologies and practical administration of archiving and record management. Participants will learn the Theory & practice of archives and records management, the Management of archives and the ability to apply this knowledge in a range of sectors, the Creation and management of current and semi-current records. They will be Aware of the legal and ethical issues relating to archives and records management and how to manage and preserve records in a variety of media including audio-visual and electronic records.

·   Understand record keeping practices and traditions
·   Learn the responsibilities of archivists and records managers
·   Understand the influences of the institutional contexts in which documents are created, used and retained
·   Develop skills to create necessary objectives and achieve expectations within limited timeframes
·   Recognize the changing nature of the document over time and technology
·   Evaluate the authenticity of the document, its value for retention and its management for later use

The Theory & Context of Record Keeping
·   The importance of records and archives and their impact in society
·   The nature of the record in the context of the wider data and information landscape
·   The development of recordkeeping functions and theories
·   Regulations, standards, professionalism, and ethics
·   Archive Management: Principles, Practice, Archive Classification Methods and Database Archiving
·   Introduction to theory and practice:
·   Historical development of the record keeping profession
·   Responsibilities and functions of archivists
·   Differences and similarities between records and archives
·   Acquisition and appraisal:
·   Policy development
·   Methods of acquisition
·   The theory and practice of appraisal
 Archive Services, Access, Indexing, Preservation & Security
·   Users and access:
·   Providing services to users
·   Users and their needs
·   Access restrictions and regulations
·   Legislation
·   Outreach:
·   Reaching a wider audience
·   Publicity and promotion
·   Online resources
·   Outreach and in-reach strategies
·   Preservation:
·   Identifying risks to archives.
·   Responses to ensure protection of archives
·   Storage requirements of different media
·   Preservation policies
·   Management:
·   Staff, resource, and time management
·   Policies and procedures
Record Management: Principles, Practice & Archive Backup Methods
·   Organizations and records:
·   Nature of records
·   Making, maintaining, and managing records
·   Records management concepts:
·   Record life cycle.
·   Records continuum
·   Records management programmes:
·   Records management roles & responsibilities.
·   Records management policies.
·   Records systems development methodology
·   Records creation & capture
·   Records classification
·   Records storage
·   Records destruction
Technological Advancements: Electronic & Audio/Visual Records
·   The internet and new technologies
·   Challenges of the management of electronic records in archives and records management?
·   How does the management of visual records differ from that of printed records?
·   Managing and preserving records in a variety of media including audio-visual and electronic records

This workshop is necessary for everyone involved in the archive and record keeping of an organization, either public or private.

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Enrolled: 0 students
Duration: 5 Days
Level: All Level

    The Delegate / Employee
    The Company / Employer
    Training / Course